
Monday 18 May 2015

Keeping ourselves healthy and strong during winter

Monday 18 May 2015

Keeping ourselves healthy and strong during winter

WALT: How to keep healthy and strong.

  • Keeping our fingernails clean and short everyday by cleaning it regularly and trimming it to.
Image result for keep nails clean
  • Have a shower daily.       
Image result for have a shower    
  • Keep your hair neat and clean by combing it.                                    
           Image result for combing hair lice and nits
  • Wash your school uniform everyday.
         Image result for washing school uniform

  • Before and after handling your food wash your hands for 20
         seconds each and after using the loo ( toilet ).
          Image result for washing hands
  • If you are going to sneeze or cough cover your mouth by using your hands or by tissue.
Image result for cover your cough from others

  • Every Friday get your parents to check your hair for nits and lice.

Image result for checking lices and nits

  • Keep your nose clean.
 Image result for keep your nose clean

  • *Make sure you brush your teeth every 2 times a day.

Image result for brush your teeth



cherise said...

Wow I really like your post
keep the hard work up lindakiki

Angelica Fakahau said...

Wow Lindakiki, You have done a great job on your work
Keep up the great work.

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