
Wednesday 20 July 2016

DAY 7: Spirit in Motion –The Paralympic Games-My Sport

DAY 7: Spirit in Motion –The Paralympic Games-My Sport

Hey peeps what up what up. Anyways today I will be telling you all presented/reading about a new sport I would make if I was to be asked to make a new sport up but for The Paralympic Games. If you are not sure what Paralympics Games are well this is what they are, Paralympic Games are when you work as a team but you will have to have one person in your team that is disabled as in being blind, deaf or can't walk. So that is what Paralympic Games are. So back to what sport I would make up for The Paralympic Games. 

If I was to make a sport up this sport would be called Volleyball Leg Hop. A weird name right but a pretty amazing sport to play. In this sport called Volleyball Leg Hop you are to be having a buddy that is disabled and of course you have to have a volleyball and your leg *haha* and a basketball hoop also. During this game you have to have a Volleyball net and you and then the Basketball hoop lined up on one side of the Volleyball net. The aim of this game is to try score more points then the other team by kicking it into the basket ball hoop. Here are 3 rules about this sport: 1) Make sure the ball is never in your hands 2)If this game is a tie this will straight be counted as a penalty 3)Last but not least, one of the most important rule of all is obviously to have fun and enjoy yourselves while playing the sport. 

 If you were all wondering why I decided to use such a name or sport like Volleyball Leg Hop. Well I love to play Volleyball now because back then I wasn't enjoying it so much. Anyways I came up with the Leg Hop because I wanted to see if we could hop on one of our leg and kick it into the basketball hoop scoring a try. I hope you enjoyed the sport I would've made up for The Paralympic Games.
But I'm hoping one day this sport of mine will be added into the Paralympic Games and I become famous *haaaha*~Skuuuurt~. 

Keep Calm, Carry On, Stay Strong, Look ahead never back down be an angel and you'll go far. Have a safe and happy holiday all. 

Cheers :)


Anonymous said...

We really should try these Paralympic games as a class as it will foster a lot of teamwork and also challenges for each player. Great read of your research.

Unknown said...

Hi Linda Kiki,

I have to admit that I am a little bit sad today because this is your final post for the Winter Learning Journey. I am really going to miss reading your posts. They were all so funny, engaging, creative and uplifting. I particularly like the way that you added the positive slogans/sayings at the end of your posts. They were a really nice way to wrap things up.

I hope that you have enjoyed the blogging programme and I really hope that you will consider joining us again on the summer holiday. I will be making another programme called the Summer Learning Journey that you are warmly invited to join!

Keep up the great work ethic and attitude this term, Linda Kiki. I'll look forward to seeing you when I come into Glenbrae to hand out certificates and prizes early in Term III.

Cheers, Rachel :)

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