
Friday 5 December 2014


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Hi my name is Linda kiki and I’ll be talking about Parents how they are so lame or pain in the neck sometimes.

Who likes their parents but they are sometimes lame.Parents can  sometimes be a pain in the neck when it comes to cleaning and they sometimes yell or make us scared, so they can just make us clean clean clean all day and us kids sometimes pee or poop their pants. Then they do it quickly as fast as they can ever imagize.

When you clean clean clean all day you just wish that you had abilities to clean the whole house in just one second.Then you close your eyes and you could just feel something coming closer to you, and you open your eyes and then you say “ clean the whole house and the whole house’’ was cleaned in one second.  You also said “When my parents come back you are going to push them against the wall and tell them give me $$$$$ and I’ll let you guys go so give or I’ll push you again’’.

Then your parents came home and you quickly went down stairs, and when you went down stairs you could see them from outside.Then your parents came in and you push them against the wall and told them to “ Give me some $$$$$”.  Then they gave you $120.00 dollars and then you went shopping at New Lynn mall.
When you went shopping at New Lynn mall you saw this one only store that you liked and it was called Callie store its with lots of Converses,Vans,Levis,Puma and Adidas.There were also clothes such as Chicago Bulls tops,plants and a awesome raincoat that changes into a normal jacket with a hood (AMAZING RIGHT 100% COOL) also onesies,Then you bought the Chicago Bulls collection which costs $140.00 and lucky you had a spare $20.00 in hand.

After shopping at Callie store in New Lynn mall I went to my cousins house at Penrose a few blocks away where I stay.When I went to my cousins house she had been cleaning and when she was cleaning she had said Im not doing it anymore.

Then her and her parents went downstairs and talked out what had happened to her once they had left to go shopping and she said” Something had just came straight into me when yous guys shut the door to go shopping and all of a sudden that green monster came and took over my body.

Then they both said to each other I’m really really sorry for roaring like a lion to you, I will pay you I promise” then they promised and they did.

    All of a sudden they all lived happily.
                         THE END


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