
Monday 16 March 2015

The Big game

The Big Game
Monday 16th March 2015
WALT: I am learning to write an Article
By: Sue Gibbison
Image result for The big game by Sue Gibbison
This is an article about a family who wanted to go to the rugby game. But they eventually did attend the rugby game. Mum had conditions for the kids going to the rugby game. They had to do their chores. Mum and the kids were excited going to the preseason match. Their favorite was Shane from the opposition team because he was really famous.

When mum and the kids arrived at the game. Mum had told them to find our seats. Mum and the kids was cheering for Shane their favorite player from the opposition team. The game had finished and Shane had came forward and walked straight to Mum and the kids.

                                                        The End


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