
Thursday 12 March 2015

A Trip To Butterfly Creek

Butterfly Creek

WALT:I am learning to write a Recount.
Image result for butterfly creek

On  Monday 9th of March 2015, Years 6,7 and 8's from Rooms 9 and 10 from the school of Glenbrae went to Butterfly Creek at Mangere which is near the Auckland airport.  This trip was to study on our topic called Dinosaurs.We went by a big white coach driven by a lady. Organised for us by Mrs Raj.

As soon as we arrived to Butterfly Creek we hopped out of the big white coach and  we got into 2 lines one was for the Years 6s and the other one for the 7s.Then our guide came out of a brown door, she was a lady, she was skinny and her name is Sunita.When we met her the year 6’s line went into the brown door following Sunita into a place called Dinosaur kingdom and then into the Dino house. Then Year 7's went into the Dino house in their lines. After that we saw a man coming through another door towards us.

Then he talked to us about Dinosaurs and he showed us the Dinosaur poop and A shark teeth and other things. He also taught us new things such as the body of a Dinosaur and the fossils. He showed us the shark teeth to tell us that the dinosaurs teeth are bigger than Shark teeth. Couple of minutes later we went to the train and we went around the block.

Later we went to the farm and we saw all the bunnies, birds and other different animals. Later on we went to have lunch and then we moved onto the Butterfly house.When we went into the Butterfly house the Butterflies started landing on Miss Maroliki especially the yellow butterflies.

We all enjoyed the trip and at the end we had a little show and it was really cool and exciting . Then we went back on the big white coach  to school.


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