
Monday 18 July 2016

DAY 6: Entertaining the crowd~Uniforms

DAY 6: Entertaining the crowd~Uniforms

So today I will be ranking some uniforms from best to worst from 2012,2008 and 2004. These uniforms are from opening and closing ceremonies. These uniforms change each year. They are the uniforms that New Zealand athletes wore at the Olympics in 2012, 2008 and 2004. Well, lets to get to ranking now.
The 3 uniform presented are:

London Olympics 2012

Beijing Olympics 2008 

Athens Olympics 2004

So these are the 3 uniforms they wore in 2012,2008 and 2004. 

The best one I reckon I would chose as best would properly be the uniform from the year of 2008 at the Beijing Olympics. Why? Because this uniform shows more respect and more traditional to New Zealand. This uniform is also showing the Sliver Fern which is also another thing I chose this as best. Why the Sliver Fern, well because I love the Sliver Ferns Netball Team. Anyways I chose this uniform as best because the details added in and the colours also the way it represents New Zealand. #1

My second best would have been from year 2012 because it shows more of colours and mana to all those who were/are watching them not just that but because it gives a brighter look for New Zealand. #2

The worst one I could possibly think of at the moment is the uniform from 2004. I know I know I was just then born but again hardly no colour or added detail in. It doesn't really show any meaning besides the Sliver Fern. Neither can I understand the looking of the uniform. #3

Well, that's it for the rankings of the uniforms that represents New Zealand in the Olympics from each year we have already been passed now. 

Cheers, Have a great holiday. 


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki, I also agree that the 2008 uniforms represent New Zealand the best. I'm not sure about the business look of the 2012 uniforms, I wonder if we should design some new ones! What would you like them to look like?

Unknown said...

Great question, Ms. Stone! I agree with both of you that the 2008 uniform really represents New Zealand quite well. It captures the feeling and look of the country!

If you're interested, they have just recently unveiled the new 2016 Olympic uniforms for New Zealand. You can find a picture, video and description of them on the New Zealand Herald website (

What do you think of the uniforms? Do you like them? I'd love to hear what you think!

Cheers, Rachel :)

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