
Thursday 2 April 2015

The Malama Honua Event

Malama Honua Event

On a hot, sunny Wednesday Morning, Glenbrae students from the rooms of 7,9 and 10 went to Pt England beach to see the awesome wakas from Hawaii.  These wakas were the  Hourua Hokule’a and the Hikianalia. All schools in  the Manaiakalani Cluster  had came to see this waka from Hawaii. We all walked to Pt England beach feeling tired and thirsty.
When we got there, Glenbrae school sat down on the cold, wet, green  grass and  waited to see the crew from the waka come to the shore.  After a while all the crew were on the shore. The  a member of the crew  started to talk about the waka and their trip around the world.

After the man had finished talking, all the children sang a waiata and did  the haka to welcome the people who were on the Hourua Hokule’a and the  Hikianalia waka. Later on we sang a beautiful song E Honore.

Later on we listened to the speeches by two girls from the Pt. England School.  After the speeches, everyone went down on the beach to greet the crew with high fives and hand shakes.

Finally we all lined up to go back to school while a few students went with Mrs. Adcock to socialise with the crew.  I felt so excited because we had gone to see the wakas that had sailed past the islands of  Niue, Samoa, Cook Island and the others.


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