
Friday 31 July 2015

My Funny Story

My Funny Story

A early afternoon , I had gone to the Zoo with my Older sister. We both walked on the left path leaving a trail of seeds but, when we got to the Zoo, we were shocked when all of a sudden two ( 2 ) monkeys jumped  out of nowhere and stole my sister's banana
( hahahaha ).

Next we visited the stomping elephants, the elephants were uncontrolled , they stole my lemons and my balloons . But they were funny because one of the elephants floated up high in the sky,  holding on to my floating balloons…………………... Good bye Elephants haha.

About time,  we got something to eat and drink, I had a chicken sandwich with a
le-mons drink. My sister had the same thing as me … Le-mons drink ( haha ).

Eventually we got to the jungle and apparently we looked around and there were no animals to be seen. Funny thing guess what,  the jungle we thought that was there , just  turns out to be a gardening & planting space for involvement people that like to go out and do gardening. But there was no jungle at the zoo ( haha ).   

I felt a little laughter in my head and my body because that afternoon was pretty funny hahaha, but till later :



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