
Saturday 26 September 2015

Science Intensive Week

A Activity I have done for Science Intensive Week .

All about Electricity - Worksheet

After you have read the article on All about Electricity, answer these questions.                                             
  1. What is electricity? Electricity is a secondary energy that means that it has been made from other energies, such as water , coal , or wind.
  1. What is energy? Energy is a power derived from the use of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.
  1. What causes lightning? A Bolt of Lighting is caused by Static Electricity.

  1. What is current electricity? Current Electricity is electricity that flows.

  1. Names the different sources of energy.
        Solar Energy
          Wind Energy
        Geothermal Energy
          Hydrogen Energy
           Tidal Energy
           Wave Energy
           Hydroelectric Energy
           Biomass Energy
           Nuclear Energy
           Fossil Fuels ( Coal, Oil and Natural Gas )

  1. What is the difference between primary energy and secondary energy? The difference between the two : Primary energy source - Source of energy either found in nature, such as the sun, coal, and oil. Secondary energy source - Energy resource that is produced from a primary energy resource using technology (e.g., electricity produced from solar energy by photo voltaic cells.

  1. How much electricity can one flash of lightning generate? One flash of lightning could power 1000 houses for a whole year. Lightning lasts one second, but can create up to 3 million volts of electricity.

  1. Who discovered electricity? The person who discovered electricity was a man named Benjamin Franklin.

  1. How fast does electricity travel? Electricity travels at the speed of light, which is more than 186,000 miles per hour.

 10. Name some appliances in your home that uses electricity to make it          work? Computer ( Netbook ) , Cell Phones , Television , Kettle , Microwave , Toasters , Oven , Heater , Washing machine , Clothing dryer , Light Bulbs , Sky HDI / Sky , Dvd player , Playstation , Psp , Stereo , Refrigerator  and  Chargers .


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