
Saturday 3 October 2015

Story Review Week 1 Homelearning

Seeing Beyond the Obvious Review

The story Seeing Beyond the Obvious is mainly based on the West African Folktale, How the Leopards got their spots. The Characters were Mom, Molly, Violet and Vera. This Story toke place at Home and in the enchanted forest. The problem in this story was that Vera was upset about her sister Violet going over to Molly's house when Molly can come over to their house. Then One day Violet and Vera was heard by their mother arguing about Molly. The Mother walked into the room while Violet running towards her with tears. The Mother asks" Whats going on ?", Vera responded saying "Molly won't come over to see Violet but Violet goes to her house i think that is not friendship. The Solution to this story was that the Mother than read a story about How the leopards got their spots, The mother read that story because it is the exact same way as the sisters but in a wild life. So the Mother asked "Vera does she know about Molly?", Vera looked very confused so Violet had explained why Molly hasn't been to their house because she is in a Wheel Chair and we don't have a Wheel Chair Ramp sett up here so that's why i have been going over to her house. Vera apologized. Mother than known how Vera has felt when Violet goes over to Molly's house, Vera feels Lonely so Mother and the Sisters agree on taking them both to Molly's house.


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