
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Perspective Art

This term we are learning about art.
So for art it is based on PERSPECTIVE , 
Perspective means a Latin root meaning look through or perceive 
And all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking. 
If you observe the world from a dog's perspective, you see through the dog's eyes.
In drawing, perspective gives your drawing the appearance of death or distance.
We first did it individual on paper and had to do a never ending road or path.
This artwork is going to be displayed in the office. 
Here is one that a student Fusi is working on. 


Danni Stone said...

Linda Kiki this is a fabulous post! I love how you have explained perspective so clearly for your readers. Your perspective paintings will be displayed by the staff room/ office, I'm sure visitors to the school will enjoy your work!

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