
Wednesday 29 June 2016

Shine a Light Show

Today after morning tea, We had a show by Shine the Light. They came as a part of a Book Week in Schools 2016. Throughout this show they performed a show based on a girl named Rose who always wore the same outfit to go and visit her friend Richie. Also there was a mirror she had while growing up as a little girl and would always jump through it that will take her to wonderful, Interesting adventurist places, But when she started thinking negative about herself, the mirror would then reflect the bad things that she was thinking about when she looks through the mirror. Until one day she went through the mirror and suddenly everything was changed from the positive to the negative but with the help of her friend Richie came through and just stopped and thinked of how he got rid of the monsters he would imagine when he goes to sleep, so Richie's mum gave him a special lamp to get rid of the monsters. So with his lamp, Richie lighten up the inside of the mirror and scared away the negative thinking of Rose and lighten it up with positive things. Rose and Richie were stuck until they found an exit out, out they came they talked about it and then happily carried on. So in the end Tamati thanked the performers from Shine a Light. 


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