
Tuesday 12 July 2016

DAY 2: Tom and Vinicius – 2016 Olympics in Rio

DAY 2: Tom and Vinicius – 2016 Olympics in Rio

Today I have been watching episodes of Vinicius and Tom I firstly watched the first episode called Vinicius e Tom - Divertidos por Natureza 1° Ep. (Mascotes/Mascots Rio 2016). If you didn't know well Vinicius and Tom will be the Mascots at the Rio Olympics 2016. Well I will give you my thinking/thoughts of this first episode. Well, my thinking of what's happening is that Vinicius and Tom first didn't know eachother but found there light and there light guided them together and closer than ever which made it even harder but during chasing there lights there were like trying to use all types of Olympic sports. When it came to a dead end the lights mixed and formed the logo not just that there skin colour mixed as well. Anyways here is clip of the first episode.!!! Episode 1-Vinicius and Tom....After watching this could you comment below what you think of what's happening in the video. Till then have a great holiday.


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki,
I really like the design of these characters, they look really interesting. I agree with your retell of the video - the characters were guided together by chasing the lights. I hadn't thought of the fact that they were performing some Olympic sports to get there!

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