
Monday 4 July 2016

Last Week of School!


This week is week 10 known as that this is the last week of school also. Children are way excited😀 for school to finish up with term 2 and move on over to the holidays💼, I'm excited☺️ but then I don't want to stay home🕍 because it get's a bit boring😫😴😵 as usual and there's nothing fun👌 to do. Anyways children👧👦🏃💃 are so happy😄 about staying home🕍 for two weeks as there holiday and then returning back to school and ready for TERM 3.  Not just the children are excited all the Teachers are excited as they will have a holiday🕍 off from us children (not in a bad way) but then you have the Parents👩👨 they will either be annoyed👿😡 or happy😄🙏 depends on your parents👩👨 way of reacting towards it. 
Stay Calm✌️ and God Bless🙏,


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