
Saturday 2 July 2016

Manaiakalani Visitors

Manaiakalani Visitors

On Friday during the middle block. We had some visitors come from the Manaiakalani Cluster, they came to see how we use our devices to help us learn in class. So when they came to our class we were working on our reading work. So for Mrs Tofa's group we had to try finish up our Music Inquiry and Miss Stone's group for those who finished there Volcano presentation had to start on there Music Inquiry presentation, so by the time the visitors came they introduced themselves. So when they came in they made there way around and among the students in room 7 and talked about what they are doing and how does your device help you. Suddenly they had to head back to University with the notes they wrote down.
It was such a pleasure to meet them, they were nice and kind. 


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki, I'm glad you enjoyed meeting the visitors - I know they liked meeting you all and seeing what you were learning. It was great fun for me to come back to school on a Friday as well.

Clarelle Carruthers said...

Hi Linda Kiki, I was one of the visitors that came into your class on Friday. It was lovely meeting room 7 and seeing the amazing work you are doing to your music inquiries. Thank you for having us to visit.
From Miss Davis

Clarelle Carruthers said...

Hi Linda Kiki, I was one of the visitors that came into your class on Friday. It was lovely meeting room 7 and seeing the amazing work you are doing to your music inquiries. Thank you for having us to visit.
From Miss Davis

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