
Thursday 7 July 2016

Matariki Performance

Matariki Performance

As you all should know, The Lip Sync girls group (Mele, Dora, Fusi, Luisa, Maara and I) had a performance to present at the Matariki Light Trail at Glen Innes on Line Road but in Maybury Reserve with other 4 groups from our school who will be performing tonight as well. As we were departing from school, Students who were performing had known to come to school to come together on the bus. Arriving to the reserve students grabbed there things and carried on to our location. Until then my group was known to be practising before heading on stage. Heading onto stage some of us students were a bit shy and nervous. It then came to us Lip Sync Group girls, I was nervous at first but then I realised that I came to have fun and make our school proud so I lost the nervous feeling and just had fun while on stage. As a school we went nervously but we left proudly. All groups and Items that was performed tonight was awesome, exciting and Interesting for those who were our audience. Also like to say Lip Sync Girls group we properly blown there minds. Also Moses for his wonderful and energetic drumming. 

Thanks x 


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