
Friday 10 June 2016

Art Inquiry

During the week on Thursday morning we had Art Inquiries to present to classes in our class room. Room 7 presenters for the 2 hours of presenting were Fusi she was doing Perspective art, Dora she was presenting her Mona Lisa board and quizzes, Sam & Alfred they were presenting their Claymation video,  Luisa & Maara were presenting their Mosaic art/quizzes and hands on card making and last but not least Mele and I were presenting a Melted Crayon Art/Presentation and Quizzes inspired by a fantastic artistic Chris Brown. 

During all these stations and work shops we were doing all types of different things. When the first class came in (room 8), they were quick to come in and walk around all the stations. They watched and participated in all activities. When they came around to our station they read a piece of note where the art is and it said 'If you want to have a go at a quiz and win a treat/prize we recommend watching the presentation first.' So they went over to where our computers were setted up and watched our presentation. They finally came back and answered all questions but, out of all the most close person to all the answers in room 8 was Whitney. 

Then other classes came through and well sat on the mat watching our presentations on the projector until we found out the power was cut off. It was lame but it was a bit cool at the same time because we got to have fun at the same time with students. Suddenly our last class came through and did the same thing with the others.  

Finally, Mele and I appreciate everyone's participation in our activity but we were mostly impressed by Matthew for his excellent behaviour, respect and participation, mostly because he payed attention to our presentation and was able to quickly answer our quiz under 15 seconds but most of the students went over 30 seconds and didn't get a treat/prize.


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki, you all did a fantastic job presenting - we heard wonderful things from the other students who really enjoyed visiting our class. I am looking forward to our music presentations now!

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