
Saturday 18 June 2016

Glenbrae School's Poetry Recital

Glenbrae School's Poetry Recital

On a Friday afternoon Glenbrae school had it's second Poetry Recital down in the hall. Every class had some students who will be introducing and thanking the person who will be reciting there poem. In room 7 we had six groups of 3 who will be introducing, reciting there poem and thanking.

We came down to the school hall and settled down, Miss Elia then asked who's class want's to go first, Mrs Tofa's hand raised so then Miss Elia chose us. Walking up the steps we sat down letting Mata to introduce Dora who will be reciting her poetry about all four seasons and then Dallas thanking. As one by one stood up to introduce, recite poem or thank it came to me thanking Fusi, I stood up and looked at Fusi and thanked her for her wonderful poem about Being yourself and then turned back thanking Glenbrae School for being active listeners and to stay positive. Then passing the mic down to the last person Mafoa, Glenbrae School clapped and Miss Elia thanked us.

Class by Class with laughter and support we enjoyed the poems and how they were confident enough to go up on stage and speak in front of the whole school. Moving on to the karakia we say together. Finishing the karakia classes were assembled out of the hall and out of school going home.

From the Poetry Recital my top 2 best poems were Being yourself originally written by Fusi because it has a meaning of being yourself like don't be ashamed of who you are and An Ant with a big HEART written by Sam because the meaning in it saying you might be small but you have a big heart.


Danni Stone said...

It's great to read this Linda Kiki as I missed this recital, it sounds like it went very well! What was your favourite poem?

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