
Thursday 2 June 2016

God's Gift

We are learning to express a theme or big idea in our poetry.

These last few days of school my writing group had to work on poems for the next few weeks. During these few days we came up with a few stanza's (paragraphs) about Human verse Nature. Then we had a choice to carry on with the original poem we all put our Idea's in or to start a new one and I decided to start a new one.

My poem is about God's Gift, Thanking God for his gifts and sacrifice for us. I hope you enjoy my two stanza's of poem about God's Gift.

God's Gift:

Entering the light of God,
I see a man so bright he is almost 7ft tall,
Creating us to be in his palm of his hands,
So precious he sent us down to his own motherland,
Going to sleep was my only plan
But, seeing God I was a big fan

A loving god he is a man
Who serves us with light not dark
He watches us from above
He’s the blue sky I will always love


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki,

You have written a beautiful poem! I am really excited to read the rest of your poetry this term.

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