
Friday 3 June 2016

Kiwi Sport

Last Thursday we had Anne come again and have 4 games of Netball. Anne asked Mrs Tofa and Miss Stone if they could split us into three equal teams, the leaders were Danny Joe, Chris, and  Levi.G.
So if Mrs Tofa gave us a name we will have to line up behind them. Then we approached Anne, she was at the courts. Anne then named our teams, Team A, Team B, and finally Team C. After naming our teams the first game was between my team, Team A and Team B. We got in our position ready to play, Anne then blew the whistle with seven minutes to the next team change over. The points were five to none and unfortunately we lost. Then we stayed on the courts waiting to battle the next team, Team C. Then that team got there positions ready. We played for another seven minutes while subbing on and off. The points were again 4/5 to nothing, so we lost once more time. Our team leaving the courts for Team A to verse Team C, it was a pretty intense game because the girls who were in the Netball team are in Team C and they were excellent as well as the boys, mostly Miami was a good boy player. The final points were 6 to nothing, which left Team C the winner.


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