
Saturday 4 June 2016


As a part as our topic for the next few weeks Poetry, I decided to create some quotes that are like poetry instead.


To make our goals
You need to lose your nervous
Never let your goals down                              
Hard is a word but my Hard is important.


Lost or Live
You may not find yourself
But you may create yourself.
Passionate about what you do or what you
like for a living.


Dreams can come and go
But dreams can't let you go
Let's make your dream a plan
Follow them, they will lead you somewhere special.

Be who are:

Be who you are and not who they expect
I get the best from you and not the fake
Stand your ground and make a move
Sometimes your here,
sometimes when you are fake your never here.
I come heart to heart but never feels real
I come truly heart to heart and your hardly here
But when your true you never let me down
Even when I'm around.


Danni Stone said...

Hi Linda Kiki,

I love your dedication to our writing, you are a natural poet! These quotes give wonderful messages, I look forward to read what you create in next weeks lesson!

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