
Friday 17 June 2016

Slam Poetry 'Fake' Written by Linda Kiki

Slam Poetry

As a part of our writing, we were learning about poetry. In my writing group, Miss Stone had showed us a video about Slam Poetry reciting. Slam Poetry is like a competition at which poets read or recite original work. This was the first time I heard about Slam Poetry. I decided since I'm finish making up a poem I will make a slam poetry called 'Fake.'


I see you you're so fake
You approach with all the fake takes
Because you're here and you're there it’s like a race
You're a liar you're the fake
It’s like being a lawbreaker without the crime
A situation in the court will call it a debt
A place for you will never be saved
Your a ghost when you sit beside me
A reason for you not to be pleased
You lie behind your breath

A spot saved beside me
Where you became the fake
You act different around me
Why are you scared from the truth
That will soon escape me
Because I know who you are
You are you
And not who they expect you to be

I prove to you you’re the fake
In a second or two
You’ll come back to the TRUE you!!!

 Photo Website ^^^
Photo Website ^^^


Harry said...

Hi Linda, your poetry on fake is great. I like how you added your links to the images. Though there are some mistakes that I saw when I was reading it. Other than that keep up the great work.

Danni Stone said...

Well done for remembering to add the links for the images! I like the raw emotion that is expressed through this poem, it is very fitting for slam poetry. We will have to take a video of you reciting some of your work, as the performance part of poetry is very important.

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