
Sunday 17 July 2016

Day 5: Eddie the Eagle~ Inspirational Person

Day 5: Eddie the Eagle~ Inspirational Person 

Well, Today I am going to be telling you the biggest Inspirational person that I look up to as that person is a role model that takes place in my life. This person is one of the most meaningful thing that takes part in my life, I'll like to introduce to you all Hansome. Hansome is my older brother. If you should know why I look up to him keep reading and your know why. 

Reasons I look up to him as my role model and Inspirational person is because Hansome himself is an artist, It runs throughout the whole entire family. Well for him I know he is one of the main artist we mainly know in the family and he loves it as much as I do also. He has became my Inspiration because he is a professional artist and I would love to be a professional at art one day not just because of that but because he says no matter what you draw or create your making something new and adding something creative that will create you in all talents what so ever. So this is why he takes so much space in my life because he is a professional artist and he gives Inspirational advice or opinion or even answers your question. 

Here is a picture of him when he was in primary.
Sorry, I couldn't find one of him while doing his art as he doesn't like to take pictures that much. 
Oh and this picture shows a bit of his face. Sorry!
He is a teenager now. By the way. *haaha*


Unknown said...

Hansome sounds like such an inspirational person. Thank you so much for sharing all of this great information about him with us, Linda Kiki. I really admire his ability to be a professional artist (I am quite average when it comes to drawing and painting!) and I love it that he makes time for you and your family, shows you support and love. You are so lucky to have someone as special as him in your life!

I hope that you're able to tell him about this post and/or show him. I think that he would feel really special if he knew just how much you look up to him and find him inspirational!

Awesome post, Linda Kiki.

Cheers, Rachel :)

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