
Saturday 2 July 2016



Today after Interval the left overs from room 7 students went out onto the courts to play a few games as our P.E or Fitness. But as usual we'll have the boys and girls day to pick a game or a sport to play, well if you should know it was GIRLS day today, so we chose to play Netball Ball Tiggy/Tag. The first game we played was Netball Ball Tiggy/Tag, it was a bit hard and tiring at times but lucky I last the longest but I was huffing and puffing. Anyways let's go back to P.E (riggght). So then we played Volley Ball, it looked sore, tiring and funny at times cause those who were skilled much (girlz/Alfred) were playing the boys good but then the boys came back with there team and scored themselves some points. Until then we had to go back to class.


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