
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Science Project: Science of Sounds: Experiment

This afternoon of school time in room 7 students that were left with the teachers and the rest gone to try there netball uniform on for tonight's netball game. Good Luck Girls. Anyways getting back to our science project. In room 7 today we were focusing on science of sound. As an experiment students paired up with each other to find out if powder comes out first before popping a balloon filled with Icing Sugar or if the balloon pops before the powder explores out.

Step 1: Get a balloon and fill it 1/4 of Icing sugar using a funnel.

Step 2: After filling the balloon with Icing sugar. Blow the balloon until the ends are both top to bottom are looking light not dark.

Step 3: Then find a pin or something pointy/sharp to pop the balloon.

After popping the balloon at the same time you wanna see if the Icing sugar/powder explores out before the balloon pops or see if the balloon pops first then after the Icing sugar explores after the balloon has been popped.

Results: Chris and I did ours and we popped it and the Icing sugar/powder explored first before popping the balloon.

WARNING: It makes a mess so it would be great to do this experiment outside. Also a parent or adult to supervise.

Cheers :)


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