
Monday, 27 February 2017

Water pollution

In room 7 at Glenbrae School, my class had an adventure in what Glenbrae stores for us. We journeyed through the entire school and adventured the drains. As we went past each way to go to a drain we find many rubbish mainly empty packets of chips. All these rubbish get washed away to the sea, rivers and streams and contaminant the water with chemicals. Some people are careless about this habit of dropping your rubbish anywhere, but some care and put there rubbish in the bin. What i've noticed so far is that there are more rubbish being polluted than being inside the bin. Water can change everything, why ? Because water is humans made need to survive if it wasn't for water we wouldn't be here today.

So please put your rubbish in the bin and keep our rivers and streams clean. 


Amy Tofa said...

What can we do as a class to stop our drains being polluted? We need to take social action and I am looking forward to your presentations. I like your blog post and also how efficient you were at posting this at 11.06 am. Keep it up Linda.

Whitney said...

Grate Linda Kiki, it was awesome having to read this to myself. Hope others realise what rubbish can do to the sea, Rivers and streams.

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